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This is an example of just one video (“MeetVideo”). You can find every code of all video in the section “download files”.
Declaration of variablies int e boolean:

int pagina;
int numeroImg;
int numeroImgActVideo;
int numeroImgSpeVideo;
int numeroImgMeetVideo;
int numeroImgTakePhotoVideo;
int numeroImgCaptureVideo;
boolean pag1menuTop;

void setup() {
pagina = -1;
numeroImg = 0;
numeroImgActVideo = 0;
numeroImgSpeVideo = 0;
numeroImgMeetVideo = 0;
numeroImgTakePhotoVideo = 0;
numeroImgCaptureVideo = 0;
pag1menuTop = true;

In void draw the word “pagina” corresponds to a group of images that are a whole animation/video. The frame number velocity is also specified.
This is an example for the “MeetVideo”.

// pagina 2

void drawPagina2(){
if(frameCount % 10 == 0){
if(numeroImgMeetVideo <44){
numeroImgMeetVideo = 44;
image(meetVideo[numeroImgMeetVideo], 0, 0);

In void keyPressed it is used a “keyCode” to activate UP, DOWN, FIRE keys.

Each animations is divided into pictures. The order used for this to reproduce the animations, each screen changement, that is a video, is divided in images. The selections are activated by an image “array”. Accessing is by an index that comes after the pages number.
Here is an example for the “MeetVideo”:

void setupVideo(){

meetVideo = new PImage[45];

for(int i=0; i<45; i++){
meetVideo[i] = loadImage(“gw0”+(i+1)+”.jpg”);

if(i>8 && i<45){
meetVideo[i] = loadImage(“gw”+(i+1)+”.jpg”);

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