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… concept

People often hold on to old things for the simple reason of holding on to our past, to memories… Even though they are kept in storage, having them reassures us that we haven’t lost our stories, our lives, ourselves. Through time, the stories of things we have once used become attached to them. The ordinary transcends into the deeply valuable and meaningful.

elgobo header

elgobo seeks to highlight the emotional value of things rather than their basic material value, and to revive memories by auctioning them in a live auction.

The purpose of this application is to highlight the emotional value of objects, as opposed to their material value, and to get people to act together to revive memories 
left behind by time.
Who is it for?
Venetians, students, tourists…
People who need to give away old things in order to gain space at home.
People who need to rid themselves 
of the burden of the past.
Tourists who wish to participate to a particular and special local event.

What does it do?

The application allows people to reveal themselves through the objects that once were part of their lives.

It creates an opportunity for everybody to participate.

It frees the item of its economic value, giving it back 
its human value.
It establishes an auction that takes place simultaneously, in a virtual and a real place.
Proceeds from the auction go to charity.
Criteria for success
Our objective was to create a user-friendly app which is clear and well-structured. It has to excite people to participate to the auction, be it virtually or at the auction place itself. Simplicity is key to engaging users in telling their stories.
Great minds think alike!
By the end of the project, we found out an article about a Croatian museum by Olinka Vistica and Drazen Grubisic, in line with our concept. They made up a “Museum of Broken Relationships, whose entire collection is made up of objects remaining in the wake of failed relationships, or in some cases, after death.”.
If they were just showcasing old boots, airsickness bags and fluffy toys then the collection would amount to nothing more than meaningless bric-a-brac. But the sometimes heart-rending tales or even just simple sentences accompanying each item bring it all to life.

See the full article from The Economist

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