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   … Teamwork

The project was developed by the three of us. We all participated actively by sharing, brainstorming, drawing and discussing. Each one of us contributed to the project with their own experiences and knowledge. From this exchange we learned a lot from each other. The three of us explored Venice together in order to find sites that could work for our application. We came out with the keywords and phrases that could be used for the program.

On a more detailed account each team member did the following:

Alberto worked on the final graphic style of the application. He developed the main layout of the application, drew some of the final rabbits, designed some of the icons and took the photographs used for creating the augmented reality simulator. During the previous pixel-art style some of the icons were drawn by him. He coded the augmented reality simulator (getting this part working on the phone was done by Steffen Klaue using Jquery and HTML). He also helped out with the main prototype code. He created the Flash simulator of the application. He also edited the image step-through. Some of the presentations were arranged by him.

Fosca worked also on the final graphic style of the application. Most of the animations were drawn by her as well as designing some of the icons and the spiral of keywords. She arranged the layouts of previous graphic proposals and organized the flow maps of the final graphics. She coded the rabbit animations and also helped out with the main prototype. She shoot and edited the video scenario and did the montage using Alice in Wonderland footage. The final presentation was designed and compiled by her. She also did some early graphic proposals and drew most of the sketches used for describing the initial ideas.

Fiona wrote most of the main code. She coded the logic of the main prototype. During this stage she also coded parts that were intended for the IPhone such as setting the application to vibrate. Her early graphical proposals were combined with early Processing experiments. She designed some of the animations of the final graphic layout. During previous design stages she did various pixel-art illustrations and animations. She drew and colored various sketches used for the presentations as well as helping to compile them. Last but not least she was the main protagonist of the videos.


Alberto Elizondo

Fosca Salvi

Fiona Fey Yu

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