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Dinamiche di gioco per la scuola


Ludens is a service that aims to improve the relationship between classmates at high school, making studying easier for them, motivating them to work and deepening their appreciation of subjects they deal with at school. Ludens is a web-application based on the theory of gamification to motivate study. It allows students to make use of texts, interactive maps and video games, and to exchange information with with other classmates.

How it Works
Designed as a community surrounding the class, Ludens stimulates the collaboration between students in a social platform where as a reward for helping other students, they receive bonuses that they can use in the system.
All the video games inside Ludens are meant to stimulate students to read the study topics, as they are the fundamental “instructions” to continue the game experience. In this design strategy the contents are conceived as different game-levels.
Ludens is structured in two part. The first one is dedicate at the study. The goal of this part of the application is the stimulation of the students’ curiosity. This is possibile presenting the contents of study interactively in this way the students has to think and make a move for discover new items.

The second part of Ludens concern about the video games. Students are invited to play at different kind of games, in order to improve their knowledge. The playful side of the service is able to bring students in a community, ready to help and challenge each other.
Users have a wide selection of video games. Mainly they are strategy video games or trivial games.
The strategy video games offer the possibility at the students to revive the epic wars who have change the history. Users can take part of the battle and win thanks to their knowledge. If students know as a war has gone, he has more possibility to win the battle, because all  fights inside Ludens are based on true facts narrated in the chronicle of the time.

Ludens leave the possibility to students to challenge each other, not only between components of the same class. Students can test their knowledge seeing how mates reply at the same question. In this way the common homeworks have a better aspect, at the student’s eye they have a better appeal. All these aspects of Ludens have the scope of: make students became interested in what they are studying, users find new motivations, the community encourages students to work better and faster.

Ludens is designed to work with a broad range of subjects. For this thesis history has been taken as an example, basing the content and structure of the textbook Eredità Antica e Medievale (Ancient and Medieval Heritage).
