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. Technology

Device used for Mobile Processing prototype


Nokia 6120 classic
- Display: 320×240 pixels, TFT, 16 millions of colors (true color)
- Imaging and video: 2 megapixel camera (1600 x 1200 pixels)
- Connectivity: Integrated Bluetooth wireless technology v.2.0


Description of programming
The application has been conceived to be displayed on the mobile full screen. The keys we have chosen for the navigation of our service are just three: softkey1, softkey2 and fire, as displayed on this figure:

Softkey 1 is used to move backward among the screens

Softkey 2 is used to move forward across the screens

Fire is used for shooting a picture of the user, creating the user’s profile and for visualizing a selected event through its thumbnail picture.

To login and to create the personalized user profile has been developed a insert-data form allowing:

  • To Input one’s name through the mobile’s numeric keyboard (like when writing an sms)
  • To shoot an instant picture of the user using the integrated camera of the mobile phone

The VibraCall feature has been employed as a feedback to acknowledge the user of the successful creation of the personal profile.

Some scripting in order to address the interfacing and the use of the embed camera and the vibration system of the mobile have been required.
The code has been split in several tabs inside the project created with Mobile Processing:

  • venicelive contains the declaration of all the variables employed
  • camera contains all the scripts required by the code to visualize images from the camera and the functions for the automatic resizing of the images
  • graphics contains the design of all the graphics composing the application’s interface
  • live contains the database used to store all the informations about every event (view database section)
  • logic Contains the initialization of all the variables and the scripts used to manage the logic flux of the application and the management of all his exceptions


To store all the informations about every event on Venicelive we have used a  system of storage quick and easy to access.

The solutions we have thought to be the most performing for our needs were two::

  • to store all the data into a well organized multidimensional array
  • to store all the data in a single XML file ―susceptible to be easily updated from outside― to be iteratively read by the application and leaving the code untouched

The second solution had to be preferred, being more performing and dynamic for several reasons:

  • it’s easy to be read
  • it can be easily updated
  • it keeps the database off the code
  • It avoids the re-compiling of the jar code whenever the database had to be updated.

The XML file resulting from a draft study of the informations having to be stored in our database can be downloaded here:

venicelive_database (xml - 4KB – open with text editor or browser)

This, for instance, would be the ideal solution, but since we had to fast prototype the service we had to adopt the other one.

Our database is a three-dimensional array, made accessible by index.
It is structured so:

LIVE[giorni][eventi per giorno][informazioni relative agli eventi]
LIVE[][][] = new String[7][5][13];

We have assumed a maximum of seven days on display with no more than five events each, every event characterized by thirteen different informations.


Virtual ticket by random code
To make the virtual ticket unique the system assigns a random code to every transaction.


How to use Venicelive in your mobile processing
At this address you can download a zipped folder containing all the Venicelive project.

Once downloaded and unzipped, please assign this path to the Venicelive folder:

User > documents > MobileProcessing

Run mobile processing > file > open > search the folder just copyed and select venicelive.pde

Enjoy !

(Please note that the code was optimized for the Nokia 6120 screen resolution, 320×240 pixel, so the software might work in different way in your own mobile phone).


How to use Venicelive in your mobile phone
At this address you can download the jar file of Venicelive.

Store this file in the multimedia folder of you mobile. 
You can play it from there.


Technologies used