Skip navigation


According to the concept we wanted our graphics to be different from the usual standardized mobile navigators. The sensorial exploration is also something personal and subjective and it should be represented that way. Therefore we studied two different kinds of navigation and decided not to realize the typical mobile software graphic style.
For example, we didn’t use a “vectorial graphic style” for the images, but we decided for a “photographic” solution.

Here there are some examples of the icons used, landmarks

and senses.

Every sense has been related to a colour (so the colored shapes of the navigation changes according to the sensorial choice).

In addiction, there is an animated “fog” in every screen, providing a sense of continuity and constant motion.



The Foggy navigation
It is inspired by the actual fog of Venice and it also suggests the feeling of a constant discovery.

The Clear navigation

It is more functional and it allows you to understand where you are.

Dérive | Inspiration | Scenario | Location, users and stakeholders | How to use it | Prototype | Code and technology | Graphics | Downloads | Credits |