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Dérive prototype has been developed in Mobile Processing.


Here you can try the Dérive experience.

To use this prototype press:
- softkeys to navigate from screen to screen;
- fire on the joystick to confirm;
- directional keys to navigate in the screen and change your preferences.
- while drifting around Venice you can zoom in and out by holding left or right the joystick, and explore the feeds hitting fire on the red bubbles.

The resolution has been adapted at 50% to better fit web layouts, however the Drift, Maps and Help sections haven’t been fully implemented.

The emulator is based on Microemulator

If you don’t see a phone to the right, you’ll need to download the Java browser plugin. Get it for free.

*Keyboard’s functional keys, such as “command” may cause this emulator to crash. Reload the page to start again.
Some Firefox users may not be able to run the emulator.

Dérive | Inspiration | Scenario | Location, users and stakeholders | How to use it | Prototype | Code and technology | Graphics | Downloads | Credits |