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Silvia Basso + Suzana Laub + Maria Chiara Toncich

Imagine walking in Venice in a fresh end-of-summer evening,
imagine your mobile phone as a torch, lighting the way to an itinerant cinema which takes place once a year,
imagine enjoying those events maybe projected on a wall of an ancient courtyard, maybe in a breezy ‘calle’ projected on perfumed hanging sheets, or just sitting in a boat in the middle of the Lagoon…
Welcome to Cinomadic!

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(Cinomadic scenario)

Cinomadic is an interactive system, accessed by mobile phone, which allows people to discover the projection sites of an itinerant open air cinema around Venice.
But it is not only a phone application.
We imagine Venice as unique scenario for a second screening of the existing Circuto Off festival—an international short film festival which happens every year during a week in September. It proposes itself as an alternative film festival.
Our project would be a collateral event which would take place the week after the festival with the main aim of enlarging the Circuito Off audience. We designed Cinomadic to be a unique and unforgettable experience, welcoming people to Venice’s marvellous places.

| Cinomadic | how it works … | circuito off | corporate identity | users + stakeholders | technologies | code … | early investigations | credits | downloads