We started this project working on sound with the desire to create an object that lets people keep in contact and share thoughts, memories and sounds. We looked for new ways to exchange this data, as far as possible from the usual interaction with mobile phone or internet connection.
For us words are volatile entities that you must catch before the wind carries them away and from this point of departure we decided to call the project Tuuli. Tuuli means wind in Estonian, but we chose it more for its phonetic quality, that reminds us of the sound of the wind.
Our first ideas were concentrated on creating a really intimate and magic atmosphere, so we though a lot about the effect the object should produce. Then we looked deeper into the shape and size of the device, buying small things that could give us an idea of the tactile and physical qualities.
When the shape was decided we concentrated on the interaction, in order to find an original and easy connection between user and technology.
intro | users and context | the Tuuli family | istruction manual | what’s in common: audio |
what’s different: behaviour | technology | project history | prototyping | code |
other opportunities | credits | downloads