The users will be people who love to keep in touch with family and friends on a regular basis; they may live near each other or at hundreds of miles away.
They don’t like the cold communication offered by a computer screen or a telephone; for this reason we concentrated on different behaviours so to give each box an individual personality and a more human interaction with the user.
We’re imagining our little box on a table, inside a nice and intimate room, where our user moves in a relaxed and confident way. He or she knows the person at the other end well and can imagin him/her in their personal space.
The boxes can also be moved by their users to record sounds in the environment outside.
We would love for our users to feel at ease using this product, thanks to its simple and intuitive interaction. The physical aspects and behaviour of the object will produce an intimate an poetic atmosphere, while the mood will be very much related to the messages exchanged.
users-flickr by knitkid
context-flickr by retroppo
mood-deviantArt by Petit JeReve
intro | users and context | the Tuuli family | istruction manual | what’s in common: audio |
what’s different: behaviour | technology | project history | prototyping | code |
other opportunities | credits | downloads