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Winner in the 2010 Adobe Student Achievement Award.
See the presentation in Los Angeles— Chiara Toncich | Kui Wang | Erika Rossi

erika rossi | maria chiara toncich | kui wang

Today, just by picking up the mobile phone we can call our friends spread out all around the world. liaison offers the possibility of keeping in touch with someone we find special in a more poetic and less intrusive way.

It consists of a pair of interactive houses for two people sentimentally connected, which provides a domestic intimacy in very gentle ways. We developed three versions: paper, ceramic and plexiglass, each one with its own character and behaviour.

paper version
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ceramic version

>> details

plexiglass version

>> details

liaison | mood, users, context | paper | ceramic | plexiglass | code, physical computing | early investigations | critical assessment | credits | download