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… make an album on Vimeo

What are Albums?
Albums allow you to organize videos into sets. You can create Albums and add your videos, or other relevant videos you come across on Vimeo. If you’ve uploaded a lot of videos of your lovable cats, you can create an Album labeled ‘Cats’ and add all your cat videos. Then you can share your new Album with all your cat-loving friends.

How do I create an album?
To create an album, go to one of your videos and click on the ‘+ Add to…’ button that appears under your video. Under the ‘Add to Albums’ column click the link that says ‘+ Create an Album.’

How do I share an Album?
Go to the Album you wish to share by hovering over ‘Videos’ in the top navigation bar and clicking ‘My Albums.’ Click on the Album you want to share, and from there click the ‘Share this album’ button. Now you can enter email addresses for non-members or Vimeo members’ user names.

Can I arrange the order of videos in my Album?
Yes! Go to your Album page and click the ‘Settings’ button. From there choose the tab labeled ‘Videos’ and select the way you’d like to arrange your videos in the drop down menu next to ‘Always arrange by.’ If you choose to arrange your videos manually, you can drag and drop up to 100 videos in the order you’d like. As always, don’t forget to ‘Save Changes!’

How do I change the thumbnail cover of my Album?
The thumbnail is taken from the last video added to your Album. Private Albums will not display a thumbnail image to ensure the security of the videos within.